No matter, what kind or how large transportation you need, MD Logistic’s experienced managers and forwarders will prepare an offer quickly and transparently! Our stuff will recommend most suitable type of vehicle and calculate the cost of this service. Logistics stuff will jot only develope ideal rout, but will also help you if the delivery is urgent and immediate. Also, our extensive experience allows us to skillfully carry out road transport of goods, containing fragile and dangerous objects, including very expensive and delicate. Our capeabilities outweigh the challanges ahead!
MD Logistic loģistikas darbinieki ne tikai izstrādās ideālo maršrutu, bet palīdzēs jums arī tad, ja kravas piegāde ir steidzama un neatliekama. Tāpat mūsu lielā pieredze ļauj prasmīgi realizēt autoceļu pārvadājumus kravām, kuros ir plīstoši un bīstami priekšmeti, tai skaitā ļoti dārgi un trausli. Mūsu iespējas pārspēj paredzamās grūtības!
Our specialists are just a phone-call away, so you can get the best price offer and safe delivery cargo to destination!
the best solutions for you
We offer an individual approach, going into each case, and advise on the best possible freight transportation solutions.
Time and convenience
In order to save your time and get rid of unnecessary paper mountains, we offer the opportunity to conclude a long-term cooperation agreement.
Experience and opportunities
MD Logistic has large fleet and rich experience, we are able to provide advantageous cargo deliveries in the Baltic States, Scandinavia, Europe and Asia.
Unprecedented speed
If your shipment needs to be done quickly or is of great value, we will deliver it to any destination without delay and safely.
Full service
You will no longer have to worry about where and how to store the cargo, we will take care of it. We offer to provide full-service logistics services, including warehousing services.
Documents and customs
MD Logistic's qualified and knowledgeable transport specialists will ensure that all necessary documentation and customs formalities are completed in a timely manner.